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- Digital Legal Lab Newsletter June
Digital Legal Lab Newsletter June
DLL Winter School opens applications | Recap: Cybersecurity Conference | Recap: Conference Digital Technologies, Public Policy & Competition Law | ...
Hi! Thanks for reading the monthly Digital Legal Lab newsletter, where we round up the latest news & views from our cross-university research collaboration on digital legal studies. For more information, updates and events, please visit our website.
What's new at the Digital Legal Lab

We are excited to announce that the application process for the “Data, personalization, and the law 2023” winter school is now open and runs until 25 August 2023! The winter school, organised by Digital Legal Lab researchers together with the Lorentz Center, will take place from 4 to 8 December 2023 in Leiden, the Netherlands. The main objective of this winter school is to do a deep dive into regulation and policy of digital technologies and bring together early career scholars (PhD students and post-docs) and renowned academics to further develop the field of Digital Legal Studies. For more information on how to apply, please see here.

The EU Cybersecurity Conference was successfully held on June 22nd in Brussels! Various DLL members and colleagues organised the Conference on ‘EU Cybersecurity: Collective Resilience Through Regulation’ and gathered speakers and audience to discuss the EU Cybersecurity Strategy and its implementation.
The organizers are also co-hosting a special issue at Computer Law & Security Review, which is currently accepting articles on cybersecurity-related topics.

Another successful conference held by DLL members was the Conference on ‘Digital Technologies, Public Policy, and Competition Law’ on 1-2nd June in Rotterdam. Organiser and DLL researcher Tjaša Petročnik compiled a report on the conference available on our homepage.

Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, professor of ICT and law at the iHub (Radboud University), spoke at length, in Dutch, with Anna Pleijsier about the AI Act proposal for the radio programme Vroeg, NPO1.
You can listen to it as a podcast here:

On 28th June, the PhD Club took place in Nijmegen. PhD researchers from the DLL partner universities gathered first at Radbound University and discussed each other’s research. Afterwards, they went to the city to enjoy dinner together.

Congratulations to fellow Digital Legal Lab members Eleni Kosta and Irene Kamara for editing 'The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED)' Commentary published by the Oxford University Press!